Thank you to all the donors and volunteers that made this possible
Our Mission:
To help provide meals to food-insecure children by creating and supporting community kitchens.
100% of donations is used directly for food purchased to provide these meals
2024 Tangible Impact:
$34,945 Funds Provided 30,375 Pounds of Rice, Lentils, Beans Purchased
145,000+ meals provided to food-insecure children
12 Partner Kitchens supported
4 New Kid’s Kitchens Opened
800+ Children’s Lives Benefited
2024 Food Purchase Breakdown:
22,681 Pounds of Rice
7,694 Pounds of Beans/Lentils 2,473 Pounds of Pasta
940 Pounds of Fruits/Vegetables 343 Pounds of Oats/Flour
2,407 Liters of Oil
+ $2,503 donated to Cali Food Bank
1) Hijos de la Guajira (Children of the Guajira). Maicao, La Guajira
2) Hogar de la Misericordia (House of Mercy). Puerto Carreño, Vichada
3) Comedor Nueva Esperanza (New Hope Settlement). Rincón del Mar
4) Dulce Esperanza (Sweet Hope Kitchen). Portrero Grande, Cali
5) Comedor Jehoveh Jireh. Pizamos 2, Cali
6) Asentemiento Esperanza (Settlement of Hope). Decepaz, Cali
7) Jardin Infantil Globitos de Colores (Daycare Center, Balloons of Colors). Decepaz, Cali
8) Parquecito de Ceiba (Little Park of the Jungle). Pizamos 1, Cali
9) Transformando Futuro (Transforming Future). Llano Verde, Cali
10) Comedor Campo de la Cruz Campo de La Cruz. Atlántico
$200/Monthly (*Kids First Foundation Grant)
11) Comedor Pan y Vida (Bread and Life Soup Kitchen). Soacha, Bogotá
$200/Monthly (*Kids First Foundation Grant)
12) Comedor Remante Fiel (Faithful Remnant). Santo Tomas, Atlántico
Kitchen Leaders:
Doña Clara Gonzalez
Iglesia Mennonite Pan y Vida Doña Jenni
Doña Adiela
Doña Norfa
Doña Rosa
Karen y Yohana
Sofia y Fundación Globitos Naiyeska
Fundacion Hijos de la Guajira Pastores Alex y Astros
Volunteer Team:
Clinton Spence
Adriana Matamoros
Elisa Lam
Colton Wamboldt
Travis Provyn
Noah Lipham
Daniel Krajewski
Kevin M. Keys
Daniel Silverberg
Meliza Santiago
Kids First Foundation $4800
Visit Kids First Foundation website - click here
Recurring Donors:
Travis Provyn $3,000+
Dwight Fitch $3,000+
Sean Tritsch $2,000
Joel Dietz $1,000+
Drane Reynolds $1,000+
Georgina Dietz $1,000+
Rosina Morris $1,000+
Marion Speidel $1,000+
Debi + Carmen Ferrarello $1,000+
James Cortez $1,000+
Matthew Katz $1,000+
Salim Makhlouf $1,000+
John Moore
Judie & Roger Cocking
Susan Provyn
Patsy Wagner
Nadira Slamova
Mary Tebben
Todd Treadway
Tricia Cominsky
Polina Kocharina
Amandev Dhesi
Timothy Arnold
Joann Maglich
Adriana Matamoros
Joel Rosado
Elisa Lam
Analic Pena
Todd Treadway
Mihail Neacsu
Eva Ponko
Leah Rittenhouse
Leandra Forman
Bonita Kulha
Joanne Phelan
Amanda Huntzinger
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